Title : "Freebirth, or home birth without assistance,... has gone from a back-of-the-cab accident to a conscious lifestyle choice."
link : "Freebirth, or home birth without assistance,... has gone from a back-of-the-cab accident to a conscious lifestyle choice."
"Freebirth, or home birth without assistance,... has gone from a back-of-the-cab accident to a conscious lifestyle choice."
"In blog posts and viral videos, its adherents extoll the benefits of birthing at home or even in the wild. There are entire podcasts dedicated to freebirthing, with women discussing the 'ecstatic' experience of giving birth in a snowed-in yurt or on a remote Hawaiian island... [T]he Free Birth Society was the largest unassisted-birth page on Facebook before it closed down.... Members rejoiced in each other’s pregnancies, answered each other’s questions, and commiserated over those who didn’t understand their choice. They also subscribed to a strict code of conduct: Comments encouraging other members to seek treatment, or questioning a women’s autonomy in any way, would quickly be deleted... A group of concerned outsiders, worried the freebirthers were being reckless, had set up fake 'sock puppet' accounts to gain entry to the private group and monitor its members. The interlopers saw themselves as sentries, keeping watch over alternative-lifestyle practitioners they believed were putting their babies in harm’s way. The sock puppets took screenshots of [posts by 'Lisa,' a woman who was in labor for 6 days] and posted them in their own groups, sparking instant outcry from their followers.... Still other commenters reached out to Lisa directly.... 'What should have been a time of grieving and mourning alone with my family was now a time of defending myself from evil people and their horrible words,' Lisa told The Daily Beast in an email.... The lurkers brought her posts to bloggers in the pro-science community like Katie Paulson, a writer for faith-centered website Patheos. Paulson turned around nine blog posts about the incident in the span of two weeks, with headlines like, 'Mother Decides to have an Unassisted Childbirth and Kills Her Baby.'"From "She Wanted a ‘Freebirth’ at Home. When the Baby Died, the Attacks Began/The stillbirth of Journey Moon prompted sympathy—and a backlash" (Daily Beast).
Thus articles "Freebirth, or home birth without assistance,... has gone from a back-of-the-cab accident to a conscious lifestyle choice."
that is all articles "Freebirth, or home birth without assistance,... has gone from a back-of-the-cab accident to a conscious lifestyle choice." This time, hopefully can provide benefits to all of you. Okay, see you in another article posting.
You now read the article "Freebirth, or home birth without assistance,... has gone from a back-of-the-cab accident to a conscious lifestyle choice." with the link address https://usainnew.blogspot.com/2018/11/freebirth-or-home-birth-without.html
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