Title : NBC Reporter: 'I Fear The Mail-Bomb Scare Is A Russian Operation'
link : NBC Reporter: 'I Fear The Mail-Bomb Scare Is A Russian Operation'
NBC Reporter: 'I Fear The Mail-Bomb Scare Is A Russian Operation'
MSNBC's Chuck Todd says he "has this fear" that the bombs shipped through the mail to prominent Democrats "could be some Russian operation" to sow division in the US.— Alex Rubinstein (@RealAlexRubi) October 25, 2018
H/t @SamSacks pic.twitter.com/aiVaxGlnqS
NTK: Chuck Todd: I Fear The Russians Could Be Behind The Mail-Bomb Scare
"I have this fear that it could be some Russian operation too, in designed to do what's happening now," Todd said.
NBC’s Chuck Todd said he fears the Russians could be responsible for the mail-bomb scare that has targeted top officials in the Democratic Party, as well as CNN and actor Robert De Niro on Thursday.
“I have this fear that it could be some Russian operation too, in designed to do what’s happening now,” Todd said.
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Update: MSNBC's Chuck Todd Fears Russia May Be Behind Bomb Scare (VIDEO) (Sputnik).
WNU Editor: More proof on how much the U.S. main stream media has lost its mind.
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