Title : "The judge in Paul Manafort's trial has called a recess without explanation."
link : "The judge in Paul Manafort's trial has called a recess without explanation."
"The judge in Paul Manafort's trial has called a recess without explanation."
"U.S. District Judge T. S. Ellis lll huddled with attorneys from Special Counsel Robert Mueller's office and Manafort's defense lawyers, as well as court security officers, for more than 20 minutes before calling the recess. The judge then exited the courtroom toward the jury room...."Yahoo News.
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You now read the article "The judge in Paul Manafort's trial has called a recess without explanation." with the link address https://usainnew.blogspot.com/2018/08/the-judge-in-paul-manaforts-trial-has.html
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