Title : "The five suspects accused of abusing 11 children at a New Mexico compound were training them to commit school shootings..."
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"The five suspects accused of abusing 11 children at a New Mexico compound were training them to commit school shootings..."
CNN reports the prosecutors said.Allegations against the suspects come in the wake of the discovery that 11 starving children had been living in a filthy compound in Amalia, New Mexico, that lacked electricity or plumbing.I found that hard to understand! Who is the Wahhaj who is one of the 5 defendants? Not Abdul-Ghani Wahhaj. He's 4-years-old and probably deceased. But not Imam Siraj Wahhaj either, I don't think. I have to do my own research to make sense of the CNN article! Wikipedia tells me this about Imam Siraj Wahhaj (who is 68 years old):
Authorities raided the compound on Friday as part of their search for Abdul-Ghani Wahhaj, a child with severe medical problems who was allegedly abducted from Georgia by his father, Siraj Wahhaj, about nine months ago. A boy's remains were found at the compound on Monday, police said, although it is not yet clear whether the remains are those of 4-year-old Abdul-Ghani.
The five defendants -- Wahhaj; his sisters, Hujrah Wahhaj and Subhannah Wahhaj, who are thought to be the children's mothers; Lucas Morten and Jany Leveille -- were each arraigned Wednesday in a Taos, New Mexico, courtroom on 11 counts of child abuse related to the neglect and abuse of the children....
Wahhaj's father, Imam Siraj Wahhaj, a controversial New York imam, said he has "no knowledge" of the alleged training, said spokesman Imam Al-Hajj Talib Abdur-Rashid.
The imam was the first Muslim to offer an opening prayer before the US House of Representatives, the Muslim Alliance in North America said. He was also a character witness for convicted 1993 World Trade Center bombing mastermind Omar Abdel-Rahman.
Wahhaj was born as Jeffrey Kearse and raised in Brooklyn. His mother was a nurse and his father a hospital dietitian. His brother is writer and editor Gregory S. Kearse of Silver Spring, Maryland. He went to church religiously and went on to become a Sunday school teacher as a teenager in a Baptist church.Ah. Here I find what I what I was looking for: "In August 2018, the Son of Siraj Wahhaj was arrested at a New Mexico compound with 11 children who he was allegedly training to become terrorists. He was named a non-indited [sic] co-conspirator." So there is a generation between the famous imam and the probably dead child. Wikipedia sends me to this New York Post article, which begins with paragraphs that make clear what CNN not only obfuscated but made impossible to understand!
In 1969 he ended his schooling and joined the Nation of Islam, changing his name to Jeffrey12x. During this time he was vocal in his belief that “white people are devils." He said of this, “I preached it. I taught it.”
When Elijah Muhammed died in 1975, "His teachings began to unravel in my mind", and he became a Sunni Muslim with the encouragement of Muhammad's son Warith Deen Mohammed. Mohammed took over and reorganized the Nation of Islam, urging members to come to orthodox Islam. Kearse then changed his name again to Siraj Wahhaj, which means "bright light" in Arabic....
Wahhaj was one of 170 people identified by US Attorney Mary Jo White in 1995 as "unindicted persons who may be alleged as co-conspirators" in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, but was never charged, and denies any involvement with the bombing. Wahhaj was a defence witness at the trial of the Blind Sheikh, Omar Abdel-Rahman, the former leader of the Egyptian terrorist organization, Gama'a al-Islamiyya.
In November 2009, Wahhaj was one of many Muslim leaders who met with New York mayor Michael Bloomberg at City Hall. Wahhaj said that he hoped all Americans would eventually become Muslim and also referred to the FBI and CIA as the "real terrorists."
The son of a controversial Brooklyn imam who was arrested for abusing kids at an armed compound in New Mexico last week was training the youngsters to commit school shootings, new court documents allege.
Siraj Ibn Wahhaj was running weapons training at the dilapidated desert camp near the Colorado border where 11 starving children were found living in filthy conditions, prosecutors wrote in documents filed Wednesday.
Wahhaj is the son of the Brooklyn imam of the same name, who heads the Masjid At-Taqwa in Bedford-Stuyvesant — and was named as an unindicted co-conspirator in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing.
Thus articles "The five suspects accused of abusing 11 children at a New Mexico compound were training them to commit school shootings..."
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