Title : Marxism And Socialism Is Still Alive And Well In The West (And Elsewhere)
link : Marxism And Socialism Is Still Alive And Well In The West (And Elsewhere)
Marxism And Socialism Is Still Alive And Well In The West (And Elsewhere)
Iconic photo of Che Guevara, public domain.
Jeff Sanders, PJ Media: Seven 'Great' Marxist Leaders Young Socialists Need to Know
The past several years have taught me that, sadly, socialism (especially its most virulent kind — Marxism) is alive and well on college campuses, in the media, in American government, and even among the rank and file of American citizens. Do these followers of socialism, sometimes waving red flags and wearing "Che" Guevara t-shirts, not know the truth about Marxist leaders over the past 100 years?
Apparently not. In our day, I often come across people who do not know the difference between John Lennon and Vladimir Lenin, or Karl Marx and Groucho Marx. So, since our school systems are doing a rather abysmal job educating people about the truth of Marxism, I thought I would write a brief article highlighting the "careers" and "high points" of some of the world's most notorious Marxist socialists.
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WNU Editor: As one who spent a good of part of my life living under communism/socialism, I still shake my head when I hear from the hardcore committed socialists and communists that I know that it will be different this time, that what we have today from government in terms of health care and general services is because of socialism, and we can have a better paradise and equality for all if socialism is fully adopted. Talk about taking credit where credit is not due. Off course there is no mention on today's poster-child for socialism .... Venezuela.
Thus articles Marxism And Socialism Is Still Alive And Well In The West (And Elsewhere)
that is all articles Marxism And Socialism Is Still Alive And Well In The West (And Elsewhere) This time, hopefully can provide benefits to all of you. Okay, see you in another article posting.
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