Title : "Jordan Peterson, Canadian Archetype" — worth clicking to the NYT for the photograph alone.
link : "Jordan Peterson, Canadian Archetype" — worth clicking to the NYT for the photograph alone.
"Jordan Peterson, Canadian Archetype" — worth clicking to the NYT for the photograph alone.
The caption says that's him "at his Toronto home." His home! What a place! That is some nutty artwork and he's posing on the chair arm with an arm akimbo echoing a figure in the painting behind him. There are staring heads (in artwork) all around his staring head, and there are 2 major phallic symbols — a train (in a painting in the upper left) and a red-and-white-striped pole with a CCCP sign atop it (in the painting at the right).But this is an op-ed (by a Canadian journalist named Jesse Brown), and I haven't read it yet, so I don't know if I can recommend it. Hang on a second. Let me live-blog my reading of this thing.
There is a certain image that Canada projects to the world.... It’s the image of Canada as a tolerant, progressive, kind and humanitarian nation, populated by mild-mannered and polite people. The idea of Canada the Good....That's not what the Canadian thinks of his people. It's what he thinks we think. But we are wrong, Brown informs us:
Canada is home to many more Jordan Petersons than Justin Trudeaus. Mr. Peterson is... a dull but stern dad, who, under a facade of apparent normalcy and common sense, conceals a reserve of barely contained hostility toward anyone who might rock the boat..... This is a mind-set with deep historical roots in the Great White North....If we knew Jordan Peterson the way Canadians know Jordon Peterson, we wouldn't enjoy his bracing pep talks. We'd be like, Oh, Dad, can I go now?
Canadians never rebelled and won independence from Britain, so as history unfolded, Brown says, they ended up with “peace, order and good government” where Americans got “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”
Our politics reflect our sense of unease with anything radical. Liberals who think of Canada as a lefty haven should look to [various boring things that have happened in Canadian history].... Even our pop culture reflects our national preference for stasis: Drake, the Torontonian rap superstar, is probably best known for introducing ennui to hip-hop.So the left isn't really very lefty, and the conservatism is bland too, the message being, essentially...
Canadian conservatism is not brash. It not belligerent, it is not loud. It is not Fox News. But our most popular columnists all deliver the same message: Things are the way they are for a reason. Those who agitate for change are stepping out of line.So please see Peterson's "12 Rules for Life" book in that light. Like Rule 6: “Set your house in perfect order before you criticize the world.”
The message: Until you’ve cleaned your room and achieved perfect personal order, how dare you assume you have any business diagnosing the world’s problems, much less trying to fix them?Ugh! It's so Canadian!
Americans are raised to believe that individuals, even flawed ones, can indeed change the world, and sometimes should. Canadians, for all that we’ve managed to construct a society that Americans sometimes envy, lack this ethic. The resulting mind-set, disdainful of idealism and suspicious of ego, is one we are now, evidently, exporting.It must be so annoying to the Canadian (whose mentality Brown purports to embody) that Americans have snapped up so many copies of their boring dad's stifling lectures. Who are these Americans? They're the people all readers of the NYT can look down their noses at: "disaffected men." But this men are delusional if they think Peterson is "walking in the tradition of rugged American individualism." He's not American. He's Canadian, and take if from the Canadian Jesse Brown, Jordan Peterson is "a line-toeing Canadian, preaching a philosophy not of American defiance but of Canadian deference."
Thus articles "Jordan Peterson, Canadian Archetype" — worth clicking to the NYT for the photograph alone.
that is all articles "Jordan Peterson, Canadian Archetype" — worth clicking to the NYT for the photograph alone. This time, hopefully can provide benefits to all of you. Okay, see you in another article posting.
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