Title : "The protesters, one playing a guitar, loudly chanted 'murder' and 'cows lives matter' while filling the aisle in front of the meat display."
link : "The protesters, one playing a guitar, loudly chanted 'murder' and 'cows lives matter' while filling the aisle in front of the meat display."
"The protesters, one playing a guitar, loudly chanted 'murder' and 'cows lives matter' while filling the aisle in front of the meat display."
In Madison, last Saturday, the Wisconsin State Journal reports."An officer advised them they were not welcome back into the store and could be cited for trespass if they returned"...They've been there before — "around Thanksgiving, chanting 'Turkey lives matter.'"
Meanwhile, on Friday night:
"There was a man with a smile on his face standing near a burning State Street kiosk Friday night," said police spokesman Joel DeSpain. "A responding officer asked him if he did it and he said 'I did.'"The man then threw his a lime-green lighter on the ground and — "having confessed" — said he was "taking the Fifth."
Thus articles "The protesters, one playing a guitar, loudly chanted 'murder' and 'cows lives matter' while filling the aisle in front of the meat display."
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You now read the article "The protesters, one playing a guitar, loudly chanted 'murder' and 'cows lives matter' while filling the aisle in front of the meat display." with the link address https://usainnew.blogspot.com/2018/02/the-protesters-one-playing-guitar.html
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